Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Many have asked me whether after all this work in connecting to the heart, getting out of resistance, and increasing our frequency we ever finally get free from the negative mind. Are we meant to just keep overcoming and trying to be positive? It's not real freedom; it becomes just more work!
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I'll share how to let go of the hamster wheel of searching for true freedom and to enter the space where you are, always, already free.
Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Are we really at the cause of what’s showing up in our lives? How do we cultivate power when it really does seem like we need to fight to get what we need?
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I’ll share what I’ve found to be the most powerful determinants of manifestation and how you can align within for health and prosperity to come easily now!
Learn more about the Mindbody Solution for Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog visit https://drkimd.com/cf
Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “Following Source vs Self” Podcast #332
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Our choices create our reality, but how do we know what are the “right” choices for health, success and wellbeing? We must surrender the self, and the mind before we can truly hear and feel the calling from something higher.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared how surrender creates clarity even when you’re doubting, and the best way to surrender in the face of fear so you go beyond the small self and let majesty be created in your life.
To learn more about the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
The brain ignites a fear response when it senses new information. So how do we move forward into great change when it triggers us into so much anxiety?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I'll share how I healed from a severe anxiety and panic disorder and how to begin living free from fear and anxiety!
To learn more about the Mindbody Solution for Anxiety & Depression Program visit https://drkimd.com/anxiety
Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
MindBody Miracles Interview Series featuring Nancy Holzhauser: “How I Finally Healed My Eye Disease After Years of Doctor Visits, Medications, and No "Cure" ...”
Listen to this week's special episode of MindBody TV featuring LIVE interaction and inspirational stories with people just like you, who healed their serious illness with MindBody Medicine.
You'll find that, perhaps like you, all of these individuals had moments of profound doubt, desperation, and hopelessness where they believed they couldn't heal, wouldn't heal, or this wouldn't work for them.
....and all of them moved beyond that to allow something else in.
I'm eager to share this not only to show what's possible even for the most serious diseases but also to share what this journey really looks like and how to move through the density when things seem impossible.
To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
Take a MindBody Medicine course at DrKimD.com
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
We'd love to support you in your healing journey. Jessica and Alisha have personally mentored with Kim for years. They now serve as mentors in the Embracing Health Program.
Jessica struggled with severe anxiety disorder and Lyme disease with such severe fatigue, she was bed-bound for years. Doctors told her she would never recover. Watch her interview here.
Alisha experienced anxiety and depression that had her feeling suicidal. No medications or therapy brought any relief. She also experienced urinary symptoms and gastric reflux. Watch her interview here: https://drkimderamo.com/healed-severe-depression-suicidal-thoughts/
In this episode of Mindbody TV, we will guide you in choosing the next steps for your personal expansion!!
To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
And to work with Jessica or Alisha visit https://drkimd.com/mentors
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Watch this week's special episode of MindBody TV featuring LIVE interaction and inspirational stories with people just like you, who healed their serious illness with MindBody Medicine.
You'll find that, perhaps like you, all of these individuals had moments of profound doubt, desperation, and hopelessness where they believed they couldn't heal, wouldn't heal, or this wouldn't work for them.
....and all of them moved beyond that to allow something else in.
I'm eager to share this not only to show what's possible even for the most serious diseases but also to share what this journey really looks like and how to move through the density when things seem impossible.
To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
And to watch the Workshop replay visit https://drkimd.com/workshop
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Watch this week's special episode of MindBody TV featuring LIVE interaction and inspirational stories with people just like you, who healed their serious illness with MindBody Medicine.
You'll find that, perhaps like you, all of these individuals had moments of profound doubt, desperation, and hopelessness where they believed they couldn't heal, wouldn't heal, or this wouldn't work for them.
....and all of them moved beyond that to allow something else in.
I'm eager to share this not only to show what's possible even for the most serious diseases but also to share what this journey really looks like and how to move through the density when things seem impossible.
To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
And to register for the FREE Workshop visit https://drkimd.com/workshop
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
Listen to this week's special episode of MindBody TV featuring LIVE interaction and inspirational stories with people just like you, who healed their serious illness with MindBody Medicine.
You'll find that, perhaps like you, all of these individuals had moments of profound doubt, desperation, and hopelessness where they believed they couldn't heal, wouldn't heal, or this wouldn't work for them.
....and all of them moved beyond that to allow something else in.
I'm eager to share this not only to show what's possible even for the most serious diseases but also to share what this journey really looks like and how to move through the density when things seem impossible.
P.S: To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “Is Your Mind Blocking Your Money?” Podcast #325
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
We tend to believe what we've been taught in our upbringing and to make financial choices from our past experiences and fear-based reasoning. However, our lives are meant to be abundant, and we are surrounded by unseen resources! What if we could open to wealth, opportunities, and money simply by shifting our beliefs?
Alisha Kapani, one of our MindBody Mentors, who will share how to shift your consciousness to open new resources you didn’t know existed and keep choosing your YES!
To learn more about the Embracing Health Program visit https://drkimd.com/health
To work with a Mindbody Mentor visit https://drkimd.com/mentors
FREE download of the Instant Elevation Technique: https://drkimd.com/iet