Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
We tend to think of health and wealth as separate things, however, TRUE Wealth is prosperity, aliveness, and fulfillment, it's not about money at all. When we open to true wealth, it immediately affects our body and health. We feel free and light, no longer in fight-or-flight survival mode, and our body responds accordingly.
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV to learn how to cultivate true wealth and prosperity now, no matter what's in your bank account, so your body heals and you begin to manifest the outer circumstances of wealth and freedom now!
To learn more about the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
To learn more about the upcoming Embracing Health program visit https://drkimd.com/health
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “The Secret Intelligence of Water” Podcast #273
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Far from being the inert substance many tend to think of it as, water actually holds consciousness. That means it has memory and the imprint of any intention we put into it. Since we are primarily made up of water, this is a powerful leverage point for impacting health.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I was joined by Veda Austin, author and water researcher who shared about the hidden powers in water and how you can unleash them for your own vitality and healing.
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
The more awakened we become, the more frustrated it can be to deal with others who are still in fear. We may feel helpless to get others to see what we see or relate to us in a more authentic way. How do we invite others into more conscious relationships with us when sharing our perspective just triggers them further into resistance?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I shared how deepening into relationship with your OWN body dramatically alters your relationship with everyone else and lets them awaken without you even trying!
To learn more about the Alive Woman Course & Retreat visit https://drkimd.com/alive
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Many of us are living through the ego and don’t know it. We say “I’m fine” as the world outside crumbles, but are we even aware of what’s going on within?
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where we explored how to drop into the body for awareness so you stop living from the ego, end suffering, and let yourself be free!
Alive Woman Course: https://drkimderamo.com/retreat/
Mindbody Toolkit: https://drkimd.com/book
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Many of us exist in a state of overwhelm on a regular basis. Sometimes we don't question it because everyone else is busy too. However, overwhelm is an indication from your emotional system that you are living in a foundation that is not your Truth. When you buy into beliefs and ideas that are restricting and limiting, your system contracts. Illness, fatigue, and even anxiety/depression can develop from this.
Join me for this week's episode of MindBody TV where we'll explore what your body is telling you through overwhelm, and how to leave it behind for good. Step into your true reality where you feel expansive and free, and you express your gifts and talents to create abundance beyond what you may have ever imagined!
P.S: I'm hosting a FREE live webinar this Thursday Mar 31st on "How to Access Your Power as an Alive Woman in 2022", register here: https://drkimd.com/webinar
To learn more about the Alive Woman Course & Retreat visit https://drkimd.com/retreat
To access the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
When we first realize we create our own reality, that our mind affects our body and that all kinds of healing is possible, this can bring a huge sense of joy and freedom. Especially when we've been in the belief system that disease "happens to us" or that there's something wrong with us, it can be so empowering to realize we have the power to create massive change in every area of our lives. However, after that initial high we may be met with the heaviness of finding that awakening is not all bliss or the fear of leaving the old self behind. As we begin to meet the deeper parts of ourselves, the judgment, attachment, or identities we're still holding can make this all feel so awful. How do we meet this "dark night of the soul" that commonly happens as we're awakening to our power?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV, where I was joined by guest speaker Aaron Abke, dedicated spiritual student, and international spiritual teacher, to share insight on how to move beyond a healing journey into the wholeness that is truly you!
P.S: I have a FREE live webinar coming up on Mar 31st on "How to Access Your Power as an Alive Woman in 2022". Register here: https://drkimd.com/webinar
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Many of us have been living in a near-continuous state of fight-or-flight, clamping down when the going gets tough, to control things and fight our way through. It exhausts our minds, brings stress to our relationships, and ultimately costs us our health.
When things intensify, as they have recently, will we double down on what’s not working, or finally let go and surrender? Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV where we explored what surrender really means and how to hand it over to your higher self so we finally create a world of prosperity instead of one at war.
To purchase the Tapping Summit series visit https://drkimd.com/tappingsummit
To register for the upcoming free Alive Woman Webinar visit https://drkimd.com/webinar
To learn more about the Alive Woman Retreat visit https://drkimd.com/retreat
To access my book the Mindbody Toolkit visit https://drkimd.com/book
To learn more about the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
We see the world as separate from us: bad things are happening “out there” and we have to work to fix it. We see the truth and get frustrated that others don’t see it too, but what if it’s our own transformation that allows us to experience change in our world?
Watch this week’s episode of MindBody TV, where I shared why our world is a reflection of the consciousness we hold, and how to cultivate change within that allows real and profound awakening in the world.
To learn more about the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
To learn more about the upcoming Retreat visit https://drkimd.com/retreat
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “Authenticity as Medicine” Podcast #266
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Most people are living from a program. We’ve been told what to do, how to behave, what to eat, even what to think. We don’t see that this is against our nature and is inauthentic. It creates great stress and suffering when we live out of alignment with our nature.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared why living authentically heals your body, brings abundance to your life, and ends suffering. You’ll also learn how to release the programming and live according to your nature now!
To join the Tapping World Summit visit https://bit.ly/tappingsummit2022
To learn more about the Instant Elevation Program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
To work with a Mindbody Mentor visit https://drkimd.com/mentors
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “EFT to Surrender to the Ego Death” Podcast #265
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful tool to assist healing. However, once we are no longer suppressing our pain and fear, these energies can intensify. Also, since we’re still holding judgment, it may seem like this part of the healing process is wrong.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where we used EFT to release the fear and judgment that can arise as you ascend through your awakening process!
To join this year’s Tapping World Summit visit https://bit.ly/tappingsummit2022
To access my book the Mindbody Toolkit visit https://drkimd.com/book
To access the Mindbody Solution for Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog Program visit https://drkimd.com/cf