Saturday Feb 11, 2023
MindBody TV with Dr. Kim D’Eramo “EFT Tapping for Kids” Podcast #314
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
One of the most difficult things to deal with is seeing your child struggle with anxiety, pain or illness that won’t seem to resolve. The good news is, in the developing brain, MindBody Medicine can work even more quickly to resolve these challenges at the root level.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared how to use Emotional Freedom Technique, a powerful and quick tool, to resolve childhood anxiety and illness naturally. I shared segments kids can use for themselves as well as segments for parents that directly and immediately impact the healing of your child.
Here is a free video from the Tapping World Summit that will share WHY negative thinking is there, HOW to change it, and WHAT to do to continue to accelerate into higher and higher possibilities for health, wealth, and manifestation: https://rd117.isrefer.com/go/2023-TWS-ENO-VS1/kimd/
And to learn more about the Mindbody Kids Program visit https://drkimd.com/kids
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
The more we awaken, the more we realize some things are not as we've been told. It can be infuriating to realize what you've been shown as truth for so long was a lie or a manipulation....however, fighting the darkness just depletes your energy and feeds the darkness! What do we do to make a difference in the world without falling into the trap of lowering our own frequency?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where I'll share why so many become consumed when they begin to see the Truth, and how to shift within so you truly become a light that dissolves all the old systems of manipulation and fear.
Learn more about the Awaken Your Business program here: https://drkimd.com/AYB
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
It can be excruciating and consume our lives when our kids are dealing with challenges we can't fix. Parents will typically work harder than anyone to be sure their kids are happy and healthy. So what do we do when it's not enough? When we can't get things better no matter what we do?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV where we explored the deeper energies that make kids' and teens' issues seem impossible to solve and what you can do NOW to make a massive difference for your kid!
To learn more about the Mindbody Kids program visit https://drkimd.com/kids
To learn more about the Instant Elevation program visit https://drkimd.com/iep
To learn more about the Mindbody Solution for Chronic Fatigue & Brain Fog program visit https://drkimd.com/cf
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Living in alignment with what we truly love and care about heals the body, brings us vitality, and increases our vibrational frequency. But how do we do this when we’re afraid it won’t work, or when we have no idea what our true passion really is?
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV, where I’m joined by Kyle Cease, New York Times bestselling author, who will share his personal story of leaving a highly successful career doing what he thought was his dream, and instead finding true fulfillment living from his heart. You’ll learn about manifesting your true calling from the inside to begin living your greatest life and truest self this year!
P.S: Kyle Cease will be a guest speaker at our Mindbody Awakening LIVE Virtual Immersion Weekend Jan 20-22! Get your tickets here: https://drkimd.com/live ***REGISTRATION FOR THE EVENT ENDS ON FRIDAY, JAN 20TH AT 12 NOON MT***
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
The technology of your body is the most advanced in existence. Most, however, have barely tapped into the creative power within their system. You are meant to live in full health, wealth, and love, continuously expanding in joy...so why are so many sick, fatigued, anxious, depressed, and living in lack day after day?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV as part 4 of our Into the Light series, where I'll share what it takes to ACTIVATE the creative power within you to begin living in flow, freedom, and prosperity now!
This is Part 4 of our Into the Light series, a 4-part series in preparation for my LIVE WEEKEND WORKSHOP, The MindBody Awakening, happening January 20-22 from your own home!! You can register for the workshop at https://DrKimD.com/live
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Happy New Year!! Ready to activate your infinite power for manifestation? This power is within you. The key to unlocking it? ALIGNMENT!
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV, part 3 of our “Into the Light” series -a preparation for my live workshop coming this month-where I’ll guide you through an easy 3-step process that’s guaranteed to bring you into powerful manifestation for 2023 and beyond!!
I would also love to have you join me live for the MindBody Awakening event here: https://DrKimD.com/live
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Saturday Dec 17, 2022
Until we make space for health, wealth, and love, we’ll just keep getting the same struggles over and over. Working hard on healthy habits is NOT going to create health; shifting your consciousness will. One powerful way to elevate your consciousness is to release your past. Often, we’re unconsciously holding old hurts, resentments, traumas, and pains. These literally take up residence in our mind-body system and prevent freedom and ease. Only when we complete with the past can we truly be free.
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV, our second segment in the Into the Light series as preparation for our live virtual weekend, The MindBody Awakening, in January. During this episode, you will become conscious of what you’re ready to release, move through some MindBody tools to let them go, and open to all the possibilities available for you in the New Year!!! I would also love to have you join me live for the MindBody Awakening event here: DrKimD.com/live!!
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
Moving into a higher consciousness of health, wealth, and love may seem impossible. When we've been ingrained to live in doubt and fear, we buy into the ideas "it's not for me", "it can't happen", or "it's hopeless". All of this is the SHADOW ready to be seen!! What if we shift from the perspective that "Life is happening TO me" to "Life is happening FOR me," and begin to receive everything as a gift? Are you ready to let go of fear and doubt as a way of living?
Whether the answer is YES or NO, listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV to begin the dissolution of the shadow, so you are FREE to live the life you have imagined. This is part 1 of a 4-part series in preparation for my January LIVE event, "The MindBody Awakening." You are invited to register for that at https://DrKimD.com/live !!! Either way, I'll see you for this powerful integration as we complete 2022 and get ready to receive the light of 2023!!
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Medical science overlooks and omits what it can't explain. Spontaneous healing of disease is one of those things. However, quick and full resolution of disease has been demonstrated many times and does not actually defy science; it just defies what most doctors think is possible. What is spontaneous healing of disease and how does it happen? Better yet, how can you access this so it's not random but reliable?
Listen to this week's episode of MindBody TV, where I was joined by Aaron Abke, world-renowned teacher of the Law of One and A Course in Miracles, and prior Christian Pastor. Aaron shared his experiences of witnessing profound and instant healing as well as how you can ignite these circumstances within yourself. Get ready for massive opening as we step into a whole new reality that goes beyond what most believe is true. Are you bold enough to enter?
P.S: Aaron Abke will be a guest speaker at my Mindbody Awakening LIVE Virtual event in January! Get your tickets here, early bird pricing ends Dec 1st: https://drkimd.com/live/
Here are Aaron's interviews I mentioned:
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
If the Universe reflects the energy within us, what do we do when we’ve got an “energy block”, a stuck situation we just can’t seem to get beyond?
Listen to this week’s episode of MindBody TV where I shared a powerful, sure-fire practice you can use anytime you’re in a rut, blocked, and finding yourself stuck with a problem you just can’t resolve. You’ll use this over and over for the rest of your life and develop a whole new way of living that opens doors, invites resolutions, and lets your life operate with a whole new frequency of ease and abundance!